La Francia, con una sentenza storica condanna Google France al pagamento di una multa di 500.000 euro per aver reso disponibile “gratuitamente” la piattaforma Google Maps:
> A Parisian commercial court has upheld a lower court’s ruling against Google France, ordering the company to pay a fine of €500,000 for giving away its maps services. The plaintiff, Bottin Cartographes, claims that Google leveraged the market share of its Maps platform — and the fact that it’s free — to undercut and stifle competition attempting to sell their topographical wares. “We proved the illegality of [Google’s] strategy,” said Bottin’s counsel, noting that this was the first time Google has been convicted of malfeasance for this particular piece of software in the country. A representative from the search giant said it plans to appeal the decision, and reiterated the company’s belief that competition exists in the space. ”. *(link [qui][1])*
In pratica secondo la tesi di Bottin Cartographes il motore di ricerca farebbe competizione illegittima/illecita ai business locali ad un prezzo, il “gratis”, difficilmente superabile. Tesi accolta dal giudice.